I made a life-changing decision on March 10th, 2019 that would change my eating habits. I became a vegetarian. I did it for the animals first, but the more research I did the more i knew about what this eating diet could do to your health and even the world. Besides that I did this for the animals, I found out that the meat and dairy industry had a large impact on our world. As most of you know, the world is changing very fast. Temperatures are rising, forest fires and floods are going on, etc. After reading a lot, watching videos and documentaries I also knew that something had to change. I decided to switch to a vegan diet. CO2 gas emissions are one of the most important causes of global warming. I found out that the meat and dairy industry causes 14,5% of the CO2 gas emissions, this is more than the whole transport section together. Forest are getting destroyed and because of that animals are getting killed. They do this so the animals can graze and for agriculture for the animals. These animals get fed a lot so they get fat soon so we can eat them. With all the food that we are using for these animals, we can feed the entire world with. If someone asks me why I'm vegan I'd say that I do it for the animals, my health, for compassion and the people.